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Urban Infill Site

The Hadrian X® has been deployed to a residential construction site in St. James, Western Australia, and has commenced robotically building the walls of eight townhouses for family property developer Riculallo Pty Ltd.

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Type: Residential
Builder: Riculallo Pty Ltd
Layout: 8 Double Storey Townhouses (3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom, Double Garage)
Block Type: CMU (Concrete Masonry Unit)
Block Size: 390mm x 230mm x 90mm
Blocks Laid (So Far): 23,020 CMUs (Approx. 115,100 SBEs)
Wall Area (So Far): 1,906sqm
Block Wastage: < 0.1%
Wall Type: Single & Double Leaf Cavity Wall
Status: In-Progress

FBR Technology