Field Notes...

First Outdoor Build using Hadrian X®
Night-time Operations in Low Light Conditions
Strong Winds
Extreme Heat

Know as Build1, FBR's first outdoor build of a three bedroom, two bathroom home structure was an important technical and commercial milestone for the Company. Working through the West Australian summer including night, Hadrian X® demonstrated that it can work through a range of environmental factors with precision.

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Type: Residential
Layout: 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom, Double Garage
Wall Area: 167sqm
Wall Length: 85m
Total Distance Travelled by Lay Head: 1248m
Block Type: FBR-designed F Block (External and Internal)
Block Size: 490mm x 230mm x 240mm & 490mm x 230mm x 115mm
Blocks Laid: 1,623 CMUs (Approx. 14,000 SBEs)
Wall Type: Double Leaf Cavity Wall
Status: Complete

FBR Technology