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First AAC/calcium silicate block structure

FBR has commenced testing Xella's autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) and calcium silicate blocks at its R&D facility.

The Xella Group is a European provider of efficient and sustainable walling solutions for the entire house shell. Roughly 28 million cubic metres of AAC blocks are produced in Europe each year and are used as a building material in approximately 500,000 homes every year in Europe.

The combination of highly accurate Xella blocks and the sequenced pallet system of the newly upgraded Hadrian X®, H01, will produce zero block waste in the build of a typical residential structure and open another significant portion of the market with a block ideal for use with the Hadrian X®.

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Type: Commercial 
Partner: Xella
Layout: 'L' Shape Demo Structure
Wall Area: 31sqm
Block Type: AAC (Autoclaved Aerated Concrete) & Calcium Silicate
Block Size: 500mm x 249mm x 240mm, 298mm x 113mm x 238mm & 298mm x 113mm x 113mm.
Blocks Laid: 297 Blocks
Block Wastage: 0%
Wall Type: Double Leaf Cavity Wall
Status: Complete

FBR Technology