Field Notes...

Largest structure to date
Coastal site (strong winds)
Heavy rain

The largest project completed by Hadrian X® to date. Challenging weather conditions including heavy rain and strong winds created the ideal environment to showcase the ability of the Hadrian X® to operate in a wide range of weather conditions.

As well as being the largest structure built by the Hadrian X®, it was one of the tallest, with a 4.8m high wall incorporated into the structure. Built in five stages, requiring five different positions for the Hadrian X®. Completed significantly faster than the speed estimated for manual bricklayers.

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Type: Commercial
Development: Amberton Beach
Wall Length: 240m
Wall Area: 790sqm
Block Type: CMU (Concrete Masonry Unit)
Block Size: 390mm x 230mm x 90mm
Blocks Laid: 8,670 CMUs (Approx. 43,400 SBEs)
Block Wastage: < 0.1%
Wall Type: Double Leaf Cavity Wall
Time to Completion: 57 Laying Hours
Status: Occupied (Jan 2022)

FBR Technology